Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Testimonials and Feedback

I am grateful for the opportunity to assist people in getting to a greater space of wellness and joy through my Healing Resonance, Perspective Reboot® mind-body-spirit-emotions sessions, and energy-in-form fractal art. We are not merely our bodies ... we are an ever-changing composite of physicality, emotions, spirituality, and energy/frequency/vibration. These aspects of self are so tied together in somewhat of a "chicken and egg" (which came first) scenario that the mind-body-spirit approach to healing makes so much sense.

In each client testimonial I have provided a bit of background info [written in brackets]. Many major transformations reflect a shedding of an old, painful story/frequency/density. This is why I love to say "release what no longer serves you." The time & energy is right for incredible shifts. We are each here to contribute our pure essence of light and love; that is so much easier to do when we are centered, balanced, and connected within our Selves! Much love, Kristi

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Underlying Depression ... That's Definitely Gone!

[Bethanee scheduled her distance session for what she felt was a stagnant lymphatic system, irritation to the nervous system, aching around the liver and a rash on her hands and palms. Symptoms had been present at least 3 years. In our session Bethanee revealed that she was empathic, feeling other's emotions and even physical concerns. I worked with her on assessing what was hers and what was other people's "stuff". She had two sessions, spaced about 10 days apart.]

Hi Kristi,

I just wanted to give you a quick update since our session last week.  I have noticed an improvement in the rash I have been experiencing on my hands, which is a huge relief!  I feel like my body has been processing things since the session, and I expect to continue feeling better as more time passes.  I am definitely interested in scheduling another session when I feel like I am ready!

The underlying depression that was always there ... that's definitely gone!

[two weeks later]

As I am feeling better, it is much easier for me to stay present within my body and also be more aware of the energy around me.  I am also able to think more clearly which allows me to shield myself more efficiently.  Overall I am continuing to see improvement!


release that which no longer serves you ...

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